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Rugby League Training: Why You Should Add Wrestling to Your Program
15 October 2021
What if we told you that you can effectively incorporate wrestling to your Rugby League training? It may not seem like it, but wrestling and rugby are actually very compatible. It’s not just those either. Wrestling, grappling, and BJJ skills translate well to Rugby League, Rugby Union, and AFL.
If you’ve ever spent any time on the mats, you’ve probably rolled with a few footie players. Particularly, Rugby League, Rugby Union, or AFL (Australian Rules Football). You may think it odd that they practise techniques unrelated to their sport. When you think about it, though, wrestling and rugby do overlap in some form. There are skills and strategies each can adopt from the other. That said, you can see why it’s common to find these athletes on the mats.
But where do Rugby League, Rugby Union, and AFL intersect? How are wrestling, grappling, and BJJ relevant to them? Here are three reasons why training in these sports may be beneficial to each other.