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The Monthly Catch Up: February 2020

6 March 2020

Introducing… New Head Coach: Mitch Nicholson

We are pleased to announce the appointment of new Head Coach of The Fight Centre, Mitch Nicholson! Mitch is no stranger to The Fight Centre, having been a part of the gym since its inception in 2015. We are confident Mitch will successfully lead The Fight Centre through the next phase of its life and are excited to watch him help our members achieve their goals in 2020 and beyond.

To help you get to know our new Head Coach a bit better, we’ve asked him a few questions …

Q: Years of fighting and/or coaching experience?
A: I had my first fight in 2013 and began teaching in 2015, but this year marks my first year coaching full-time.

Q: Favourite fight you’ve attended or watched?
A: There are two fight shows that are very memorable for me. One would be “Muay Thai at the Metro” where Michael “Tomahawk” Thompson won a World Title by KO, Jimmy “J Slice” Urwin won a World Title and Andy “Assassin” Smith won an Australian Title. The other was at “Destiny Muay Thai”, when Ben [Johnston] won his World Title – the vibe that night was insane!

Q: Favourite musical act?
A: I listen to a really wide range of music, so I can’t narrow it down to just one!

Q: Favourite shot or combination?
A: I don’t have a favourite shot but the one I throw the most would have to be a leg kick.

Q: Favourite memory as a fighter or coach?
A: There’s a lot and it’s pretty hard to pin point just one, so I have two. The first was winning my first title belt and the second was representing Australia at the IFMA World Titles.

Q: Aspect of coaching you most enjoy?
A: My favourite part is seeing people achieving what they set out to achieve through their hard work.

Q: Biggest challenge in being a coach?
A: Not being a perfectionist and remembering that little progression is still progression.

Q: Favourite quote or expression?
A : Rewards come from the hard work you put in.

Q: What does The Fight Centre mean to you?
A: The Fight Centre means a lot to me – I’ve been here since the beginning and it’s made me the person I am today. It’s given me many friendships that will last a lifetime. It’s also a place I can come in and escape the realities of the world!

Q: Favourite food?
A:  Thai food – I could eat it all day!

Make sure to say hello the next time you see him!

Book It In!

With our classes busier than ever, we have implemented a new class booking system across all our age groups! Using our online portal and your unique PIN, you can now book your classes in advance – enabling you to better organise your training schedule and us to ensure sufficient space for classes. The system is available now, so make sure you log-in and check it out!

For more information or to provide feedback on the new system, please see our Front Desk.

TFC v TFC: In-House Sparring

Saturday the 15th of February saw our Fight Team going head to head in a stellar line-up, in a learning experience designed to simulate the atmosphere of an actual Muay Thai bout. The Fighters faced off in the ring for 3 x 2 minute rounds, with each fight refereed by Coach Mitch Nicholson, cornered by Coaches Brenden Henwood and Ben Johnston and watched by a small crowd of spectators. Every participant was well protected with shin guards, chest plates and 18oz gloves and this provided the freedom to provide real power behind every shot, further likening the rounds to a real fight. Every Fighter truly pushed their limits and real fight card or not, the day was a phenomenal showcase of the talent within The Fight Centre Fight Team.

Well done to all those who took part and a big thank you to Coaches Mitch Nicholson, Ben Johnston and Brenden Henwood for their guidance and support.

Prevention Over Cure: How to Avoid Muay Thai Injuries

Striking the right balance between increasing your output and remaining injury free is a difficult one. Whether you’re just beginning your fitness journey, or are an elite athlete, injury prevention is a key aspect in staying on track to achieve your goals.

With plenty of information out there, it can be hard to find an appropriate approach to injury prevention. Lucky for us, “How to Avoid Muay Thai Injuries”, authored by Coach Ben Johnston and Sandy Pelenyi and located on our website, provides a detailed guide. Distilling the Acute : Chronic Workload Ratio Method, the articles breaks down the fundamentals of the method, how to determine your ratio and what the numbers mean in practice. For anyone wanting to improve their fitness, increase their strength and optimise their body composition, this article is a must read.

 To view the full article, check out “How to Avoid Muay Thai Injuries” located in the Training Blog on the Fight Centre website. If you have any questions on the article, get in touch via our website, Facebook page, or visit us in person!

Welcome to the New Members of the TFC Community!

It’s always exciting to start something new, but the difficulty is in maintaining consistency in working towards reaching your goals. We want to celebrate those new members who have shown real commitment, by achieving their White I & White II stripes in our Muay Thai classes.

White I:

  • Cody Robinson
  • Symon Webb-Little

White II:

  • Ali Al-Zoubeidi
  • Luke Bufi
  • Zabih Akbari
  • Ziye Li

Congratulations on your achievement! We look forward to seeing you progress at the gym and helping you reach your goals in 2020!

Fight Calendar – March & April

2020 is set to be a massive year for our Muay Thai Fighters. With some having their first fights, through to those out to earn or defend their State or National titles. To keep you up to date, we’ve included a handy calendar below. For any ticketing or timing enquiries, please see our Front Desk or speak to the Fighters’ directly.

March 7th: Brendan Rafael Vilches @ Eternal MMA
(Southport Sharks, Olsen & Musgrave Avenues, Southport) *Professional Debut*

March 21st: Harrison Sheppard *First Fight*, Jimmy Sprecak *First Fight*, Luke Brennan and Marcus Ortiz @ Ignite the Fight
(95 Robertson Street, Fortitude Valley)

April 4th: Brendan Rafael Vilches & Owen Cox @ Destiny Muay Thai
(Mansfield Tavern, 181 Wecker Road, Mansfield)

April 18th: Cheyanne Hunt @ Infliction Muay Thai
(Nerang PCYC, 59/61 Cayuga Street, Nerang) *Queensland Title Fight*

Our Fighters’ truly value and appreciate your support – so please, show them some love!

Pro-tip: At the fights –

  1. Make sure you’re rocking your best TFC gear!
  2. Always use the TFC Sign in all photos – use liberally, without discretion and make sure to teach your family and friends.
  3. Tag @thefightcentre in all your photos!